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Gardenscepter haveredskab dansk design
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Gardenscepter gardentool Danish Design by Ivan Nielsen

Danish design by Ivan Nielsen

Gardenscepter - a new kind of garden tool
A new multifunctional garden tool has come to life - Gardenscepter, the hand tool for every garden lover. Gardenscepter does many tasks at the same time and is both gentle and effective. It is Danish designed and handmade of high quality copper and oak and an ornament in it's own right.
Gardenscepter fulfills at least 6 different functions:
Deep tilling
Making seed drills
Setting bulbs and digging plant holes
Go to the menu Home for a description of each function, and see it demonstrated in the Videos.
Gardenscepter is the result of 20 years of efforts to develop a tool, which is both effective in the garden and gentle to the plants and the soil. Meet the designer and learn the story behind the product in the menu Ivan Nielsen.
Gardenscepter is for the private gardener as well as the professional. It is suitable for your urban garden, vegetable patch, flower beds, raised beds, hothouse, terraces and balconies.
The minuscule amounts of copper freed by the Gardenscepter during use will strengthen your plants and prevent mildew, scurvy and rust.
Gardenscepter is easy to use. The round copper hoop works the soil in all directions, and the ergonomic shape of the oak shaft makes it comfortable to hold. See how the BBC presented the Gardenscepter under Reviews.